terça-feira, 15 de maio de 2007

[Jornal Virtuas Das Artes] Clipping nº 58



Nº 58 - EDITORIA: Wellington R Costa – jornaldasartes@gmail.com


Breve Editorial

Nos do Jornal Virtual das Artes, nestes 10 anos de nossa existência, sempre tivemos por meta a divulgação de informações que facilitem que a cultura brasileira, as artes e os artistas, de todos os segmentos criativos tenham o mais amplo acesso às informações que possibilitem a evolução de suas atuações. Solicitamos a todos que repassem tal clipping para os artistas, agentes culturais , jornalistas culturais e qualquer individuo para qual tais informações possam ser validas .

Nesta edição além de informações sobre o que esta em pauta no universo nacional há 45 possibilidades internacionais abertas aos produtos culturais brasileiros nas mais diversas categorias artísticas e criativas.

Wellington R Costa - Editor




- 58º Salão Nacional de Abril, Fortaleza

- Programa de residências: Artist Links, Inglaterra

- Selecionados Projeto Trajetórias 2007, Recife

- Inscrições e informações para o artista: Premio Fundación Andreani, Argentina

- Festival Internacional de Vídeo & Dança: Convocatória Mostra Internacional de Videodança, Rio de Janeiro









- EVENTOS INTERNACIONAIS DE ARTES Plásticas , Cinema, Poesia, Residências, etc.



A Secretaria de Programa e Projetos Culturais (SPPC) e a Representação Nordeste do Ministério da Cultura convocam os Pontos de Cultura para participar da videoconferência que será realizada no próximo dia 22 de maio, das 14h às 18h. Esta ação faz parte de um mutirão conjunto visando acelerar os convênios pendentes e a continuidade das ações do Programa Cultura Viva. O evento será gerado a partir das salas de videoconferência do Banco do Nordeste, nas capitais de todos os estados da região. Uma equipe da SPPC entrará direto de Brasília para prestar esclarecimentos e dar orientações.

Para um melhor aproveitamento da videoconferência, solicitamos aos Pontos de Cultura que nos enviem por fax ou e-mail sua adesão, para isabelle.albuquerque@ minc.gov.br e mauro.lira@minc.gov.br . Confira abaixo o endereço das salas do Banco do Nordeste de VIDEOCONFERÊNCIA e os coordenadores em cada estado:

ALAGOAS – Rua da Alegria, 407, Centro, Maceió

Coordenadora: Regina Célia Barbosa contato: (82) 33558002. ideário@ideario.org.br

BAHIA – Av Estados Unidos, 12º andar, Comércio, Salvador.

Coordenador: Fátima Froes – Contatos: 71 91137693


CEARÁ - Av. Paranjana, 5700, Bairro Passaré, Fortaleza

Coordenador: Geraldo Damasceno – Contatos: (85) 8846-1959/


MARANHÃO –Rua de Santana, 465 2º andar – Centro

Coordenador: Imira Brito – Contatos : (98) 88094404


PARAÍBA - Rua Gama e Melo, 53, Bairro Varadouro, João Pessoa

Coordenador: Buda Lira – Contatos: (83 88490207


PERNAMBUCO - Rua Antônio Lumack Dumont, 96, Bairro Boa Viagem, Recife

Coordenador:RR/NE Contatos: (81) 3424-7611


PIAUÍ - Luxo Hotel - Salão Jaraguá -Praça da Bandeira, Centro

Coordenador: Jairo Lima – Contatos: (86) 3226-2696/ jairo.pi@bol.com.br

RIO GRANDE DO NORTE - Av. Romualdo Galvão, 2189, Bairro Lagoa Nova, Natal

Coordenador: Graça Leal – Contatos: (84) 9407-3724/


SERGIPE - Rua Itabaianinha, 44, Centro, Aracaju

Coordenador: Rosângela Rocha – Contatos: (79) 9137-7053/

58º Salão Nacional de Abril, Fortaleza

Inscrições e Informações para o artista

Comissão de seleção: Bitú Cassundé (Fortaleza), Cauê Alves (SP), Cristiana Tejo (Recife)

Curadoria de Ana Valeska Maia e Maíra Ortins

Inscrições até 22 de junho de 2007

58º Salão de Abril - Galeria Antônio Bandeira

Coordenação de Artes Visuais

Rua Conde D'eu 560, Centro, Fortaleza - CE 60055070


Edital e Ficha de Inscrição

Segunda a sexta, 8-12h e 13h30-17h

Programa de residências: Artist Links, Inglaterra

Aberto para todas as modalidades de arte

Inscrições até 4 de junho de 2007

Artist Links Programme

British Council

Rua Ferreira de Araújo 741 3º andar, Pinheiros, São Paulo - SP 05428 002

Skype: Artistlinks


Inscrição completa: round2@britishcouncil.org.br


Programa conjunto do Arts Council England e do British Council

Apoio: Visiting Arts

- ajuda de custo entre £3.000 e £10.000

- O Artist Links mantém negociações estreitas com as organizações com quem mantém parcerias, para assegurar que as necessidades diárias estejam sendo atendidas. Tradutores, guias e outras formas de auxílio podem ser organizados para os artistas ao longo de toda a duração do projeto.

- o artista deve organizar um espetáculo ou exposição. A natureza da mostra irá variar de uma forma de arte para outra e pode compreender tudo, desde uma exposição em galeria, uma apresentação, uma leitura, a um simples bate-papo com o público interessado.

Selecionados Projeto Trajetórias 2007, Recife

Bettina Vaz Guimarães, Camille Kachani (SP); Jonathas de Andrade (PE); Fabrício da Silva Teixeira Carvalho, Louise Marie Cardoso Granz (MG); Luiz Rodolfo Annes (PR); Milena Lima Travassos (CE); Rodrigo Braga (PE)

Comissão de seleção: Maria do Carmo Nino (PE), Moacir dos Anjos (PE), e Paulo Venâncio Filho (RJ)

Fundação Joaquim Nabuco - FUNDAJ

Galerias Baobá, Massangana e Vicente do Rego Monteiro

Espaço Cultural Mauro Mota - Coordenação de Artes Plásticas

Rua Henrique Dias 609, Derby, Recife - PE 52010-100

81-3421-3266 ou artes@fundaj.gov.br

Inscrições e informações para o artista: Premio Fundación Andreani, Argentina

Menciones No Adquicisión: 3 obras serán mencionadas y recibirán ARS$500 cada una. Las obras mencionadas no serán adquiridas.

Segundo Premio Adquisición: El autor de la segunda obra premiada recibirá ARS$10.000, será adquirida y pasará a formar parte del patrimonio de la colección de Fundación Andreani.

Primer Premio Adquisición: El autor de la primera obra premiada recibirá ARS$20.000. La obra será adquirida y pasará a formar parte del patrimonio de la colección de Fundación Andreani

Jurado: Carlos Espartaco (crítico y curador), Eva Grinstein (crítica y curadora), Fernando Farina (Director del Museo de Bellas Artes "Juan B. Castagnino" y MACRO – Rosario), Julio Sánchez (crítico y curador), Prof. Laura Buccelatto (Directora museo Arte Moderno de Bs. As.)

Inscrições até 31 de julho de 2007 (data de postagem)

IMPORTANTE: Podrán participar artistas argentinos y extranjeros menores de 50 años con un mínimo de dos años de residencia legal en el país

Fundación Andreani

Santo Domingo 3220 2º of. 230,

CP: C1293AGR, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires - Argentina

Informação: Milagros Velasco no (5411) 4016-0805 ou pelo mvelasco@fundacionandreani.org.ar


Edital e formulários de inscrição: www.fundacionandreani.org.ar/cultura/2007/bases.pdf

Esta primera edición del Premio Fundación Andreani constituye un nuevo compromiso que sumamos a nuestra trayectoria de más de quince años de apoyo y promoción de las artes visuales.

Sabemos que brindar espacios donde nuestros artistas puedan manifestarse, darse a conocer y crecer es fundamental. Por eso, además de los premios dinerarios, nuestra propuesta incluye una muestra itinerante de las obras premiadas y seleccionadas, que apuesta a generar un diálogo entre diferentes ciudades de nuestro país.

Para participar, descargue aquí las Bases y los Formularios. Si desea beneficiarse con el envío gratuito por Andreani de su material para esta convocatoria, descargue la Oblea de Respuesta Postal Paga.



- 3 (três) prêmios não aquisitivos de ARS$500 e 2 (dois) aquisitivos de ARS$10.000 e ARS$20.000.

- A exposição itinerante em 2008, sem pró-labore

- Obra inédita que sendo selecionada ficará a disposição da FA até 2009.

- Para participar é necessário apresentar o seguinte material completo, impresso em tamanho A4: De 1 a 3 fotografias impressas da obra a ser julgada. Para obras audiovisuais, vídeos, arte digital ou multimídia: uma cópia em DVD ou CD-ROM, que possa ser visualizada em PC Windows, em formatos *avi , *mpeg , *jpg (300 dpi), que não exceda 30 minutos de duração. Para instalações, recomenda-se: plano que especifique a disposição de objetos. Ficha de inscrição, currículo e imagens que documentem trabalhos anteriores (de 3 a 12).

Festival Internacional de Vídeo & Dança: Convocatória Mostra Internacional de Videodança, Rio de Janeiro

Dança em foco - Festival Internacional de Vídeo & Dança

Convocatória Mostra Internacional de Videodança (MIV)

Inscrições até 31 de maio de 2007

Festival Internacional de Vídeo & Dança - a/c Paulo Caldas

Rua General Glicério 144 / 202, Laranjeiras, Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil 22.245-120



O dança em foco - Festival Internacional de Vídeo & Dança está com inscrições abertas para sua Mostra Internacional de Videodança. A edição 2007 do evento será realizada em agosto, no Rio de Janeiro e seguirá por outras cidades, com sessões gratuitas e abertas ao público.

O material enviado deverá conter obrigatoriamente :

- Obras de videodança ou documentários de dança no formato DVD identificadas, cada uma, pelo título, realizador, duração, país de origem e ano de produção;

- Formulário de inscrição e liberação dos direitos de autor (em anexo) originais assinados;

Para divulgação do evento e produção do catálogo / livro, recomendamos o envio de um CD com imagens (resolução mínima 300 dpi).

- As remessas internacionais deverão ser registradas e assinaladas como «material cultural sem valor comercial». O festival não poderá cobrir custos referentes a taxas alfandegárias.

- Os materiais enviados não serão devolvidos e passarão a integrar o acervo do festival.

- A chegada do material será confirmada através de e-mail.

Para informações sobre o dança em foco - Festival Internacional de Vídeo & Dança, visite o site : www.dancaemfoco.com.br.

Para qualquer esclarecimento, escreva para o e-mail : contato@dancaemfoco.com.br


O Programa Monumenta, do Ministério da Cultura, lançou dois editais para a seleção de projetos que visem a valorização do patrimônio cultural brasileiro. Um deles é voltado à Promoção de Atividades Econômicas em Sítios Históricos e o outro à Educação Patrimonial. Serão investidos até R$ 150 mil em propostas de fortalecimento de atividades tradicionais e de promoção do turismo cultural, e R$ 100 mil em projetos educativos. O prazo para inscrição encerra no dia 22 de junho. Informações: www.iphan.gov.br e (61) 3326-3911/6864/8014/8907


A Agência Nacional do Cinema (Ancine), autarquia especial vinculada ao Ministério da Cultura, informa que estão abertas ,até o dia 18 de junho, as inscrições de projetos para o Apoio Financeiro do Programa Ibermedia. A iniciativa, destinada a projetos cinematográficos ibero-americanos possui cinco modalidades : Desenvolvimento de Projetos para Cinema e Televisão (até US 15 mil), Co-Produção de Filmes Ibero-Americanos (até US 200 mil), Conteúdos para Vendas Internacionais (até US 30 mil), Distribuição e Promoção de Filmes Ibero-Americanos (até US 30 mil) e Programas de Formação destinados aos profissionais da indústria audiovisual ibero-americana (até US 50 mil). Informações: www.programaibermedia.com


A Orquestra Sinfônica do Recife retoma a partir da próxima terça-feira 15 de maio a série "Concertos ao pôr do sol", às 18h30, no Teatro de Santa Isabel. No programa estão obras de Schubert e Mozart, com solista e regente convidados, em comemoração aos 157 anos do Teatro de Santa Isabel. Os ingressos podem ser retirados, gratuitamente, na bilheteria do teatro a partir das 17h30. Informações (81) 3232.2939


Os atores e diretores Ivilmar Gonçalves e Bill de Jesus estão oferecendo, nos próximos dias 19 e 20 de maio, no Teatro Vila Velha, em Salvador, as oficinas de "A produção do autotexto" e "Mistura em jogos", que fazem parte do projeto Troca-Troca no Nordeste (BNB Cultural 2007)para a formação de jovens atores.Informações: (71) 3336-1384 ou aoutra@gmail.com


São Luís recebe mais um espetáculo nacional da Caravana Funarte de Dança. O espetáculo de dança contemporânea Médelei - (eu sou brasileiro etc e não existo nunca) será a atração do Teatro João do Vale, dias 18 e 19 de maio, às 20h30.O teatro fica na Praia Grande/Reviver. Informações (86) 9982 1687, (98) 9606 9396, ou pelo site : www.nomadeaction.org


O ICOM (International Council of Museums) é uma organização internacional de museus e profissionais de museus, a quem está confiada a conservação, a preservação e a difusão do patrimônio mundial cultural e natural. O V Encontro do Conselho Internacional de Museus será realizado do dia 22 a 25 de maio de 2007, às 20h, na Fundação Joaquim Nabuco (Av. 17 de agosto, 2187, Casa Forte – Recife – PE). Informações: www.forumdosmuseusdepernambuco.com.br


Artistas plásticos do Cariri fazem reunião nesta quarta-feira, dia 16 de maio, a partir das 19 horas, no pátio da Pedagogia da URCA, para discutir a realização da assembléia setorial das artes visuais do Cariri, preparatória da Constituinte Cultural do Estado do Ceará. É importante o envolvimento de todos os artistas da região, pois as assembléias setoriais só serão validadas com um número mínimo de 50 participantes.


O prazo de inscrição varia de acordo com o mês em que ocorrerá o evento, que visa à concessão de apoio financeiro a artistas, técnicos e estudiosos da cultura brasileira, brasileiros natos ou naturalizados, ou estrangeiros com residência permanente no Brasil, convidados a participar de eventos culturais, nacionais ou internacionais. Informações no portal do Ministério da Cultura: http://www.cultura.gov.br/apoio_a_projetos

EVENTOS INTERNACIONAIS DE ARTES Plásticas , cinema, Poesia, Residências, etc.


December 31, 2007

Artwork now being accepted for exhibition with 12 month's gallery representation with appx. 900,000 hits each month. Criteria of acceptance is based on a genuine significance or originality of meaningful experience in content and style, tending to vitality and form in its creation. Extended deadline is May 24th for the upcoming "9th Annual Collage, Digital & Mixed Media Juried Online International", a worldwide exhibition of collage, digital and all mixed media including alternative media, paintings, sculpture, prints, drawings, photographs, papier colle, assemblage, installation, digital manipulation, ceramics, fiber and other. Also, the postmark deadline is June 8th for the upcoming "9th Annual Landscape Juried Online Art International", a global showcase of artists' works in all media, with traditional and contemporary interpretations of landscapes as the predominant subject matter. Entry fee is $25 for up to 5 images, $5 each additional. For a prospectus please contact: Upstream People Gallery, 5607 Howard St, Omaha NE 68106-1257 USA; or call: 402-991-4741; or email the gallery at: shows@upstreampeoplegallery.com; or download at: http://www.upstreampeoplegallery.com/schedule/default.asp


June 1, 2007

INTERNATIONAL LOW-RESIDENCY MFA PROGRAM for working artists to develop a sustainable creative praxis: Three summer residencies (two weeks each) in Linz, Austria; optional winter residency in New York. One-on-one mentorships during two school years - wherever you work and live. Pursue work in any media art-related genre and create your own course of study, working independently and with the support of faculty and self-chosen artist mentors. Short periods of intensive residency permit you to continue with your professional work and keep a balanced personal life while participating in the program. Up to one year's credits accepted from other postgraduate schools, first degree waiver possible with equivalent experience and portfolio. Info: www.transartinstitute.org


May 31, 2007

Free Monthly Art Contests for Cash Prizes - Open Theme A Singular Creation presents Art Showdown. Compete with other artists in our free monthly art contests for cash and other great prizes. Your images will be rated by our visitors and finalists will be selected accordingly. We will start the cash pot at a different amount, depending on the theme. Also, 100% of the money donated to the pot will be awarded to the winners. All winners will also be featured in our e-newsletters sent to over 4400 subscribers. May Theme - Favorite Work: Contest is open to all themes and media, designed to allow complete freedom to all participating artists in choosing their very best work. Official Showdown web page: www.asingularcreation.com/showdown.htm


June 10, 2007

2007 ART KUDOS COMPETITION June 25, 2007, deadline for entry. Open to all artists 18 and older. All media. Both 2-D and 3-D. Cash awards totaling $3,000. Juror: Peter Trippi, editor of Fine Art Connoisseur. Selected finalists will appear in an online exhibit beginning August 15th. Entry fee. Contact: Art Kudos OR http://www.artshow.com/artKudos OR http://www.artkudos.com


May 25, 2007

Photographic Center Northwest 12th Annual Photographic Competition Exhibition, UP & NOW. Juror: Charlotte Cotton, Call for Entries: Deadline: must be received by May 25, 2007. This annual juried exhibition draws entries from across the country and around the world, and remains among the most popular shows in PCNW's annual schedule. The exhibit will be showcased at PCNW in Seattle, WA, July 13 - August 30, 2007. It is open to all photographers, (International), all photographic processes and themes. The juror is looking for work that represents a larger, cohesive body of work and will be selecting a short series from each photographer chosen. The entry fee is $40 for four jpegs. Additional jpegs will be accepted if accompanied by a seven dollar per jpeg fee, up to ten jpegs total. Juror's Awards: $1000, $500, $250. PCNW gratefully acknowledges Getty Images for sponsoring this year's cash awards. The Juror: Charlotte Cotton is Head of Cultural Programmes at Art & Commerce in New York. Previously, she was Head of Programming at the Photographers' Gallery in London and a Curator of Photographs at the Victoria and Albert Museum from 1993 to 2004. She is the author of "The Photograph as Contemporary Art" (2004). Submission guidelines: www.pcnw.org


May 25, 2007

CALADAN GALLERY presents "Cosmic Influence", a juried exhibition. We have succeeded in tapping into the broad universe around us in a relatively short period of time. Amongst the scientific discoveries that have come from our curiosity and exploration are images that have excited and stirred up the imagination. We are seeking art influenced by science, science fiction, the cosmos, inner and outer space, the strange and the paranormal, UFO culture and the related. Broad cultural and intellectual vistas have resulted from indivudual and collective discovery! We are also seeking MASTER JEWELERS for our newly created jewelers' membership in the gallery, following the essence and aims of the existing gallery artists. Ongoing jurying. Scroll down under "enter exhibitions". Caladan is a virtual gallery, opening doors for exhibiting artists both artistically and professionally since 2003. We average over 10,000 UNIQUE visitors monthly from all over the world. All media except video is eligible. For prospectus, go to: http://www.caladangallery.com and click on "enter exhibitions". Or write to: Caladan Gallery, Box 468, Beverly MA 01915, OR call: 978-741-7979.


May 27, 2007

DIGITAL ART COMPETITION Enter our juried competition for digital art and photography. Entrants submit three JPEG files of original work. All styles of 2D artwork and photography where digital processes of any kind were integral to the creation of the images are acceptable. The competition is international, open to all geographic locations. Entry fee. First prize and five Second place prizes. For a formatted version of this announcement and complete prospectus, contact: Los Angeles Center for Digital Art OR http://lacda.com/juried/juriedshow.html OR lacda@lacda.com


May 31, 2007

Strange Figurations - A thematic exhibition open to all interpretations of the concept, Strange Figurations. Open to all figurative styles from the realist to the surreal and visionary. Open to all media. 72" maximum dimension. The exhibition will be held at the Limner Gallery, September 6 - 29, 2007. National magazine publication awards. On-line entry form at: http://www.slowart.com/prospectus/figure.htm, or email: slowart@aol.com, or send SASE to: SlowArt Productions, 123 Warren St, Hudson NY 12534


May 31, 2007

Seeking Artists. Placerville, CA. National Juried 41st Annual Mother Lode Art Show, Aug 12-Aug 26. All media except crafts, photography and digital imagery. Anticipated $4,000 in awards. Entry deadline: July 2nd. Juror: Ken Hosmer. For prospectus go online to: www.placervillearts.com OR send a #10 SASE to: PAA, Box 905, Placerville CA 95667.


June 1, 2007

Call For Art-All Media Landscape-Exhibition Dates July 27 - September 7, 2007. This exhibition gives you the opportunity to artistically conceptualize your definition of "Landscapes." Cultural landscapes, architectural, historic, and natural landscapes can become a focus of your work. Images may be representational, abstract, or non-objective. Juror: Joseph Orr. Awards one-$1,000 cash, and four awards $250 each. A maximum of three entries per artist for jury may be submitted with a non-refundable fee of $35. One slide/jpeg per entry or submit a CD. Use jpeg on PC format only. (Do not use photo shop or other software to submit.) Applications are available at: www.foundryartcentre.org. Email jpegs to: showentry@foundryartcentre.org. Complete entry form and mail with fee to: Foundry Art Centre, 520 North Main Center, St Charles MO 63301 OR call: 636-255-0270.


June 1, 2007

JULY JURIED EXHIBITION Projekt30 is taking submissions for its monthly publicly juried exhibition, scheduled to open July 1st, 2007. We are an artist- run arts organization dedicated to promoting emerging artists. The exhibition will include thirty artists; invitations will be distributed to over 50,000 galleries, collectors, and fellow artists. All artwork submitted will be presented online prior to the exhibition so visitors of Projekt30 may help select which artists will be included in the exhibition. Visitors have the option of contacting any participating artist with feedback or opportunities. Unlike other juried exhibitions, all participants receive exposure. Opens: July 1, 2007. Go to: www.projekt30.com for more details.


June 10, 2007

Call to Artists! Gallery 181 presents a juried exhibition "New Visions". What seperates the past from the present is the ability to draw upon more to understand our collective experience. Being that we have much to learn morally and in the areas of common sense, we are seeking work that mirrors truth as well as that which reflects a natural optimism. Lawrence, MA is quickly establishing itself culturally, as the area opens up its turn-of-the-century mill buildings for artists! Entry fee. Please go to www.caladangallery.com/sites/gallery181 to view and copy/paste the prospectus. Or write to: Gallery 181, Box 468, Beverly MA 01915 or call: 978-741-7979. Exhibition dates are July 3rd - August 2nd, 2007.


June 15, 2007

Calling all artists, Brightwaters First Annual Juried Competition. The outdoor art show takes place on Sunday, July 29, 2007 in the beautiful village of Brightwaters, NY "the Crown Jewel on the Great South Bay". The outdoor art show is part of the picturesque villages centennial year celebration. The show is open to original fine art and crafts by the exhibiting artist, working in any mediums. The space is limited. Cash Awards, Prizes and Exhibition Awards will be given by judging panel. No entry fee, 12' x 12' booth fee $45. This show is in conjunction with 10th Annual Antique Show that attracted 3700 patrons last year. Visit: www.brightwaters.org for more information. Or contact the Michael McDyer - Centennial Chairperson at: michael@brightwaters.org OR call the Brightwaters Village Hall: 631 665-1280.


June 15, 2007

Digital Darkroom Workshop, Sat. & Sun, June 23rd & 24th from 9 AM REQUIRED! This weekend-long, information-packed workshop will jumpstart your digital imaging skills, covering the basics of image processing and digital workflow with Photoshop CS2, including: Scanning basics, Camera RAW processing and Digital Workflow, Image Organization: How to use Adobe Bridge, Basic color management: Color Space Profiles vs. Printer Profiles, monitor, and so on. Extensive handouts, demos and hands-on instruction will be provided. There are no prerequisites for this course, although participants should have a basic familiarity with computers. For more info: Digital Artist's Space OR 518-203-1096 OR http://www.digitalartistspace.com/workshop.htm


Jun 01, 2007

AMERICAN SURREALIST EXHIBITION Seeking American artists and/or artists residing in or near America ONLY creating Veristic Surrealism, Classical Surrealism, Visionary Surrealism, or Social Surrealism for initiative. No fee. To enter, send images, resume, and statement with SASE to: Michael S. Bell, Saginaw Art Museum, 1126 N Michigan Av, Saginaw MI 48602 OR 989-754-2491 x204 OR http://www.saginawartmuseum.org/ OR mbell@saginawartmuseum.org


Jun 01, 2007

JURIED JEWISH BOOK ILLUSTRATIONS EXHIBITION Seeking original illustrations for exhibition, Jan 15 - Mar 30, 2008. Open to artists who have created original illustrations of Jewish Books. Please send SASE to: Artists Consider the Jewish Book, 8339 Old York Rd, Elkins Park PA 19027 OR 215-887-2027 OR http://www.kenesethisrael.org/mus.htm


Jun 05, 2007

JURIED WATERCOLOR EXHIBITION Open to all national watercolor artists. Work may not exceed 54" in width. Artists may submit their work by JPEG (300 dpi, not to exceed 6 inches in any direction) on CD only. Entry fee. For more info, send SASE to: Krista Biedenbach, Smithtown Township Arts Council, 660 Route 25A, St James NY 11780 OR 631-862-6575 OR http://stacarts.org OR exhibits@stacarts.org


Jun 08, 2007

SMALL ART QUILT EXHIBITION Seeking entries for the 2007 National Small Art Quilt Works exhibition from July 27 - September 2, 2007. US artists, 18 years and older are eligible to enter this exhibition. Fiber art must measure no larger than 16 inches by 20 inches. All artwork must be for sale. The gallery's commission is 40% of retail value. Cash awards. Insurance on premises. $30/3 entry fee. For full prospectus and information: Adrienne Smith, Main Street Gallery, 105 Main St, Box 161, Groton NY 13073 OR 607-898-9010 OR http://www.mainstreetgal.com OR maingal@localnet.com


Jun 15, 2007

NATIONAL ONLINE ART EXHIBIT Seeking 2-D works from artists 18+, for exhibit, Jul 2007. Best in Show and merit awards. Entry fee. For more info, please send SASE to: Donna German, 21st Century Art, Box 722, Broadway VA 22815 OR 540-280-7569 OR http://www.21stcenturyart.net OR http://www.21stcenturyart.net/21st_century_art_000013.htm OR webmaster@21stcenturyart.net


Jun 15, 2007

ONLINE JURIED ABSTRACT ART EXHIBITION Seeking abstract work in digital format for quarterly online exhibition, Jul-Sept 2006. No representational artwork. $200 Best in Show and merit awards. Entry fee (payable to Abstract EXPOsure). Please complete online application and artist statement (no more than 300 words), upload images (400x400 pixels at 72 res in JPG or TIFF format)/submit on CD (labeled with name, title, dimensions, medium and date for each piece), and send SASE for returns, to: Abstract EXPOsure, Box 77545, Seattle WA 98177 OR images@abstractexposure.com


Jun 25, 2007

INTERNATIONAL JURIED ART COMPETITION Seeking entries for online exhibit. $3,000 in cash awards. Entry fee. Submit 35mm slides/photos/or digital files in JPEG/TIFF format, or for more info, please contact: 2007 Art Kudos Competition, Artshow.com, 4388 Wickershire Way, Norcross GA 30092 OR http://www.artshow.com/artkudos OR info@artkudos.com


Jun 30, 2007

AMATEUR SCI-FI & FANTASY ILLUSTRATION COMPETITION Seeking entries in science fiction or fantasy art by amateur illustrators. Three quarterly $500 prizes. Grand Prize yearly is $5,000. No entry fee. For rules, please send SASE to: L. Ron Hubbard Presents Illustrators of the Future OR contests@authorservicesinc.com


Jun 30, 2007

TRADITIONAL VERSE POETRY CONTEST Seeking published and unpublished poetry in traditional verse forms such as sonnets and haiku. $4,500 in prizes, including top prize of $1,000. For more info, please contact: Winning Writers, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest, 351 Pleasant St PMB 222, Northampton MA 01060 OR http://www.winningwriters.com/margaret OR johnreid@mail.qango.com


Jul 01, 2007

SCREENPLAY COMPETITION Winner receives $10,000 and Finalists receive $1500, the largest cash prize for a screenplay contest that provides feedback to all writers. One Finalist receives a live staged reading at the High Falls Film Festival, held at the George Eastman House in New York, all expenses paid. Loglines of all Semi-Finalists and Finalists are featured on our site throughout the year. Founded by award winning writer-director Gordy Hoffman. Entry fee. Contact: BlueCat Screenplay Competition, Box 2630, Los Angeles CA 90028, OR http://www.bluecatscreenplay.com OR info@bluecatscreenplay.com


Jul 31, 2007

INTERNATIONAL POETRY PRIZE Seeking full-length poetry collections for 1st prize of 10,000 Euros and print and online publication. 17,200 Euros in total awards. Other prizes include 1-yr Poet in Residence with a bursary of at least 500 Euros and public reading, Aug 2007. For more info, please contact: Poet's Letter Beowulf Poetry Prize OR http://www.poetsletter.com/PoetsLetterBeowulfPoetryPrize.htm


Jul 31, 2007

INTERNATIONAL POETRY PRIZE Seeking original poetry collections in English (up to 60 pages) in any style, theme, or cities. 10,000 pounds and poetry residence. Entry fee. For more info, please contact: Poet's Letter Beowulf Poetry Prize OR http://www.poetsletter.com/PoetsLetterBeowulfPoetryPrize.htm OR poetsletterbeowulfpoetryprize@poetsletter.com


Sep 01, 2007

INTERNATIONAL ARTISTS RESIDENCY PROGRAM Seeking visual artists, writers, and composers for 2-, 4-, 6-, and 8-wk-long residencies, Jan 1 - Jun 15, 2008. Free housing and studio space and a $100/wk stipend. For application and complete guidelines please contact: Kimmel Harding Nelson Center for the Arts, 801 3rd Corso, Nebraska City NE 68410 OR 402-874-9600 OR http://www.KHNCenterfortheArts.org OR info@KHNCenterfortheArts.org


Oct 30, 2007

BEAUTY-RELATED ART EXHIBITION Seeking works that contest the mass ideology of beauty and explore the connections between beauty and violence, the phobia of aging, issues of self-perception and the element of power inherent in an "ideal," for exhibition investigating and challenging society's consumer-driven ideal of beauty and the designer body: ever thinner and ever younger. No fee. Please email art .jpegs to: Chris Longfellow, Chelsea Art Museum, Home of the Miotte Foundation, 556 W 22nd St, New York NY 10011 OR 212-255-0719x108 OR chris@chelseaartmuseum.org


Nov 15, 2007

INTERNATIONAL EMERGING PHOTOGRAPHERS CONTEST Seeking remarkable images, photographed purposely for this contest (since Oct 1, 2006) related to the theme, "Ethereal Beauty", from amateur photographers (ages 18-34), and artists who express themselves using the photography medium, for 2-wk group exhibition. Email submissions must bear the words, "I hereby certify that the photo I am about to submit is my original and unpublished work. I am entering this photo as an honest and true effort of my personal creativity and unique artistic vision, and I understand that if it will be published it will be as my original work and under my own copyright." No returns. Please send portfolio of 10 photos (JPEGs at 72 dpi res) with titles, short description of the content of the shots, medium, and original width and height; name, surname, DOB, place of birth, age, nationality, current address, zip code, phone, and email address; short biography, artistic CV, and 3 more shots to support ability, to: Alice Rosati, NY1art gallery, 511 W 25th St Suite 406, New York NY 10001 OR 212-627-3181 OR http://ny1art.com OR art@ny1art.com


Nov 15, 2007

NATIONAL MUSEUM GRANTS Seeking applications from all types and sizes of museums for grant program, which strengthens museum's ability to serve the public more effectively by supporting high-priority activities that advance the museum's mission and strategic goals. Grants provide funds for full range of museum activities. 3 funding categories: $5,000-$24,999, $25,000-$74,999, or $75,000-$150,000. A 1:1 match is required in each category. For more info, please contact: Christine Henry, Museums for America, Institute of Museum and Library Services OR 202-653-4674 OR http://www.imls.gov/applicants/grants/forAmerica.shtm OR chenry@imls.gov


Nov 30, 2007

INTERNATIONAL FREESTYLE ART EVENT Seeking professional and amateur artists to showcase work at festival, Dec 2, 2006. Approx. 51,000 visitors and 6,000 exhibitors. Outdoor and indoor space available. For application and more info, please contact: 3F 3-20-18 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0001, Japan OR 81-03-3479-1433 OR 81-03-3479-1498(FAX) OR http://www.designfesta.com/index.html OR info_e@designfesta.com


Jan 01, 2008

CALL FOR FILM FOOTAGE Seeking footage from filmmakers around the world for feature-length documentary, tentatively called Cultures of Resistance, for non-profit multifaceted initiative that seeks creative ways to bring people from all walks of life together to promote sustainability, diversity, and peace with justice. Film will be collaborative cinematic collage about the myriad ways in which people are opposing war, oppression, and corporate-led globalization in their everyday lives. Film credit and small honorarium for any footage used. Any proceeds from film will be used to fund other arms of initiative. For more info, please contact: Cultures of Resistance OR http://www.makefilmsnotwar.org OR filmsubmission@makefilmsnotwar.org



1 - SASE envelope previamente endereçado e selado para devolução. Há a Possibilidade de enviar envelopes acompanahdos de vale postal internacional que podem ser adquiridos nos correios brasileiros e serem afixados com clip (não usar grampeador ou cola).

2 – A data antes de cada evento é a data limite (deadline) para a inscrição.


Divulgamos gratuitamente Press Releases de atividades artísticas e culturais.

Somente publicamos texto sem imagens.

Recepção de Material – jornaldasartes@gmail.com

Comentários, elogios e criticas: wrc1961@gmail.com

   Ajude a arte e a Cultur do Brasil encaminhando tais informações a seus amigos.

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